Expanding Academic Network in Asia

- Becoming a Hub University that grows with a Developing Asia
- Nagoya University has always been at the forefront of cultivating Human Resources from various Asian countries in areas such as Law, Medicine, and International Development, and is held in high regard both at home and abroad. Everyone, such as the Legal Human Resources cultivated by the Center for Asian Legal Exchange(CALE)’s ”Japanese Legal Education throught the Japanese Language” program or Administrators cultivated by the Young Leaders' Program(YLP)’s Healthcare Administration course, forms part of Nagoya University’s Human and Intellectual Networks as future national leaders, and with these graduates playing a central role we have established 15 alumni associations overseas and are working to strengthen our networks. Through such efforts to expand our engagement in education and research an environment of diversity, we aim to become a Hub University that grows together with a Developing Asia.
- Expanding Nagoya University’s Asian Satellite Campuses
- Under the cooperation of governments and partner universities based on our history of contributing to the cultivating of human resources of various Asian countries and the networks established throught activities, the Asian Satellite Campus Institute has commenced the ”Education Program for the Development of Core National Human Resources of Asian Nations” and is currently implementing high-quality Ph.D. programs on both the main campus and the Asian Satellite Campuses.
Currently, the Asian Satellite Campuses have been established in 6 countries (Cambodia, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Uzbekistan, and Philippines) across 6 areas (Education, Law, Medicine, Bioagriculturural Sciences, International Development, and Environmental Studies), and produced 42 doctoral decree holders.