Joint Degree

What is a Joint Degree Program?

 Joint Degree Program Partner Univerisities :THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH , THE UNIVERSITY of ADELAIDE LUND UNIVERSITY etc                                                                    

What is a Joint Degree Program?
  A joint degree program (JDP) is a single degree program established in international collaboration of two or more universities. Partner universities of a JDP jointly confer a single degree on a student if the student completes the JDP. It became possible for universities in Japan to establish JDPs since the revision of the Standards for Establishment of Universities 2014.

What is the difference from Double Degree Programs? 

 A double degree program (DDP) refers to a pair of degree programs which are existing degree programs of two universities and partially shared under a partnership. Both partner universities each separately confer a degree on a student if the student completes the DDP. Therefore students can obtain two degrees when completing a DDP.

  DDPs differ from JDPs mainly in that two different theses are generally required for students to submit for completion of a DDP and that the period of time for completing a DDP is most likely longer than that for a regular degree program and shorter than twice of it.

Outline of Nagoya University JDP

Nagoya University's Joint Degree Program

   Nagoya University has established several JDPs for Ph.D and Ph.D in Medicine in collaboration with world top level universities as partners. Each student of a JDP, being supervised by two or more professors at Nagoya University and the partner university, determines one research theme and then conducts doctral research.
Students stay at the partner university for approximately twelve months during the research period. While staying at the partner university they conduct reseach under the supervision of the local supervisors and keep in a close contact with their supervisors of Nagoya University.
The periods of time required to complete a JDP for Ph.D and Ph.D in medecine are three and four years, respectively. These periods are the same as regular degree programs of Nagoya University and the partner universities.
   Students summarize their research results into one thesis, on those who submit their theses and satisfy the graduation requirements a single degree will be conferred conjointly by Nagoya University and the partner university.
   The thesis submitted by a JDP students undergo a joint examination by Nagoya University and the partner university, ensuring that the degrees conferred by Nagoya University JDPs meet international standards. Students who participate in JDPs will gain international experience proven in the form of a university degree. Besides, establishments of the Nagoya University JDPs have been approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

   In 2015 Naogya University established "International Collaborative Program in Comprehensive Medical Science between Nagoya University and the University of Adelaide", which is the first JDP in the field of medical science in Japan.  After that Nagoya University has established several JDPs in the field of science, medical science and agricultural science continuously, which makes Nagoya University a pioneer of JDPs in Japan.

Developing Joint Degree Programs with Top Universities

Signing Ceremony of the Graduate Schools of Medicine of the University of Adelaide, Nagoya University, and University of Freiburg

 Due to the worldwide internationalization of higher education,top Asian universities are adopting significant changes by establishing cooperative relationships in research and education with top universities throughout the world.
 To join the upper rankings of the Top 100 universities in the world by 2020,Nagoya University seeks to first, increase our faculty members’ peer-reviewed publications with international co-authors and second, to raise the percentage of international faculty on our campus. To make it easier for our researchers to collaborate with those in foreign nations we are establishing an”International Joint Education and Research Unit for the Establishment of Joint Degree Programs ”
 In 2014, the Graduate School of Medicine established a Joint Degree Program with the University of Adelaide in Australia. We hope to use this as a model to expand our partnerships with approximately 20 other research units with which we have a history of exchange.

Joint Degree Programs in Nagoya University

A list of Joint Degree Programs *As of Oct 2022

 -International Collaborative Program in Science between the University of Edinburgh and Nagoya University

 -International Collaborative Program in Comprehensive Medical Science between Nagoya University and the University of Adelaide
 -International Collaborative Program in Comprehensive Medical Science between Nagoya University and Lund University
 -International Collaborative Program in Comprehensive Medical Science between Nagoya University and University of Freiburg 

・Bioagricultural Sciences:
 -International Collaborative Program in Agricultural Sciences between Nagoya University and Kasetsart University
International Collaborative Program in Agricultural Sciences between Nagoya University and the University of Western Australia


 -International Collaborative Program in Sustainable materials and Technology for Industries between Nagoya University and Chulalongkorn University